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Image by Madrosah Sunnah

Knowledge at Your Fingertips!

Doa dalam Al-Quran

Di dalam Al-Quran terdapat koleksi doa yang boleh kita menghayati maknanya serta mengamalkannya dalam hidup seharian kita. Jom pelajari doa-doa yang disebutkan Allah s.w.t dalam Al-Quran.

Morning Tea: Talaqqi & Tadabbur

Let's kickstart our day by taking a little bit of our time reading and pondering over the powerful words of Allah.

One Day One Juz (2020)

This is the first Ramadan in which tarawih is not held in congregation at the mosque. Nonetheless, Kampung Siglap Mosque still brings you the voices of MKS, reciting the verses of the Quran of 1 juz every day from 1 Ramadan to 30 Ramadan.

Tafsir Ayat-Ayat Pilihan Koleksi Khutbah Ahmad Sonhadji Mohamad

Perbincangan mengenai teks khutbah penulisan AlMarhum Ustaz Ahmad Sonhadji Mohamad oleh Ustaz Md Qusairy Thaha.

Penawar Hati

Bersama Dr Ustazah Sakinah Saptu dalam perbincangan kitab Ad-Daa' wa Ad-Dawaa'; penulisan Imam Qayyim Al-Jauziyyah dalam menangani dosa & hati.

Cinta Sunnah, Cinta Sirah

Ikuti Ustaz Jazair Jummat meneroka peristiwa-peristiwa yang cukup signifikan dalam sirah Baginda Nabi Muhammad s.a.w.

Qiraat in Al-Quran

Let's listen to Ustaz Abdullah Hoosen introducing the variant readings of the Holy Quran. Get to know more about the lives and biography of the famous Imams of Qiraat and their narrators. We also compare some of the rules of their recitation to the Riwayah of Hafs which is commonly read around the world.

Kembara di Alam Firman: Juz 30

Mendalami Juz 30 atau dikenali sebagai Juz 'Amma & tafsirannya bersama Ustaz Jazair Jummat.

Pengajian Hadith Sahih Al-Bukhari

Pelajari kupasan hadith sahih Imam Al-Bukhari bersama Ustaz Hafiizh Rapiee dengan kitab karangan Fathul Bari, 'Sahih Al-Bukhari'.

Hijriyah Months

A series based on Hijriyah Months, with Ustaz Abdullah Hoosen. Learn the history, historical events and deeds encouraged to carry out during respective months, throughout the Islamic calendar

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